
  • We Take It All

    Our team arrives at your location to remove specified junk quickly and efficiently. We take all types of junk.

  • Area Coverage

    Serving most towns in Addison County, Vermont and surrounding areas. For larger whole-building clean outs we serve all of Vermont and some of Upstate New York. Check our Service Area.

  • Full Equipment

    We bring all necessary tools, people, and vehicles for safe and efficient junk removal.

  • No Self-Move

    We pick up junk from its current location, saving you the effort of moving it.

  • Sorted Disposal

    Our team sorts items and ensures proper disposal, including special handling requirements at the dump.

  • Licensed Service

    As a licensed junk hauler, we ensure proper disposal at Addison County’s transfer station. When serving other parts of the state, we will dispose at the closest licensed transfer station.

  • Easier Than Roll-Off

    Our full-service junk removal is simpler and more convenient than renting a roll-off dumpster.

Other Services

Junk Removal

Dumpster Rental


Let's get your job started.

Get a Quote for Junk Removal

Or call (802) 735-9760